Fees cannot be agreed and paid without complete transparency and a perfect understanding by the part of the particulars of the invoice.
This is the reason why we have resolved to provide our clients with prior information regarding amounts of provisions and fees or the methods to calculate them, by means of reference to the situation of the client, the time spent, the nature as well as the complexity of the mission.
Any service provided is preceded with a fee quote describing the scope of work.
After a first meeting and description of the mission, we will provide you with a proposal detailing what services are necessary (memo, conference calls, meeting, follow-up etc.) and the cost based on the billing method chosen.
If you agree and after written agreement, services will be delivered within the timeline determined in the proposal.
3 billing methods can apply and we will determine the relevant method based on your specific needs:
Fees are payable upon receipt of the invoice, the latter being transmitted upon completion of the mission.
Payment can be made by bank transfer or by check.